If you can convince someone to buy an item as
generic as a pen then you can sell just about anything right? What if you were
the item up for sale? What if you only had a limited time, say two minutes? The
time factor is the effectiveness behind what’s called the “elevator pitch”.
This is a hypothetical scene in which you find yourself with a one on one
opportunity to speak to someone of influence, such as a CEO, that you want to
pitch to. You may be proposing that the CEO’s company hire you or enlist your
services as a business owner. Much like selling a pen, the pitch is a game of
tact & strategy. As with any interaction, the trick is to capture the
listener’s attention with your first few lines. Such golden moments are hard to
come by and so it’s best to bring your A game. Have a ready-made pitch in your
back pocket. In the absence of one you will likely be unable to arrange your
points effectively and may leave out key areas.
dances with those already on the dance floor’’-H. Jackson Brown Jr.
The pillars of a solid pitch are:
- It highlights only points that are relevant to the listener.
- It carries a sense of passion & ambition.
- Your goal is articulated.
The first step is to have a firm grasp of your strengths, skills and
accomplishments. From these you derive the value that you are able to offer. That
value is packaged as a brand. The brand serves as your promise. If we look at Nike
and what its promise is, it’s safe to say that their adverts generally speak
about quality and how Nike is associated with superior athletes. Crossing over
to the vehicle space, BMW drivers are assured of superior technology and
efficient engines. The question is what is your brand? What can you promise the
CEO? Therein lays the foundation of your pitch. Learn how to package yourself
and put your best foot forward.