A Ferrari is a known to be a super car that boasts of a powerful engine and above average technology. You may have never driven one but you have a very clear perception of one, which is that if offers an amazing driving experience. The view you have of a Ferrari is not based on you driving one but it’s on how the car is marketed to you. Personal branding is fairly similar; it is essentially profiling and show casing your value. In essence, you market yourself based on what you have to offer the world.
Every brand is intentional about how the market views them. Just as Ferrari set out to be seen as an advanced and powerful car, you need to decide how you want the world to view you. Your brand should be based on your strengths, experience and talent within your chosen field. It must never be a façade as that borders on fraud. It is crucial that you have a clear image you want to portray as it will form the foundation of how you will market yourself. Think of it as looking at a map and making sure you have the exact location of where you are going before you leave the house.
You need to have an honest monologue around how the world describes you and any negative label you may have. A great way to accomplish this is to have three close and objective friends, or colleagues, share with you how they define you and how mutual friends view you. . Insist on honest & unbiased feedback that doesn’t spare your feelings. Thereon you compare the feedback with your own self-image. The exercise is futile if you can’t accept some negative traits & behaviours that you have.
Once you have figured out the gap between who you are today and who you want to be going forward, you need to work out a to-do-list of what needs to get done. This may involve adjusting your wardrobe, upskilling yourself or working on your public speaking skills. Once all of that is in place, the next action item is to show case the value that you offer. An effective way to achieve that is to have a public presence. Exposure ensures that people see and hear you; therefore they know who you are and what you are about.
Social media will have to become your best friend. It’s proven to be the leading forum for getting messages across, both for individuals and companies. Depending on the brand you are building, you will need to share posts demonstrating you adding value in your chosen space. This ranges from speaking at seminars, hosting workshops, pictures of your work or videos.
A plan is only effective if it bears results. After 6 months of working on all of this, go through the exercise of asking for feedback from those around you. This will give you the opportunity to tweak your approach if need be.
It’s either you define yourself or the world will define what they think of you. Be intentional and be in charge of your image.