Thursday, 10 January 2019

Just come in jeans & a t shirt



Chances are you know someone that's always dressed up, regardless of the occasion. Whether it be work, a conference or a party. You probably think they are too serious and don't know when to tone things down. Ironically, they likely think you don't take yourself seriously enough. To be honest it's less stressful to dress in a basic smart casual style to most events. You won't take much time getting ready and can always change your mind on what to wear at the last minute. While it seems like a good idea, not being intentional about how you look costs you more than you realize. Our 'always serious' friend knows this very well and is therefore not willing to compromise on any day.

While you may not attend events in baggy or mismatching clothes dressing in an 'OK' outfit ensures that you blend in and don't make a mark. The truth is people judge you based on how you are dressed. As you introduce yourself part of their focus is on your looks. You may be witty and eloquent but dressing in a dull manner is sure to dilute your worth.

Consistently dressing well says a couple of things about you:
  • You value your image.
  • You appreciate that your presentation is people's first impression of you.
  • There is a clear element of being intentional about your brand.
While people may not be consciously aware of it, they will take you seriously if it is evident that you do as well. The more you are seen this way the more you start to develop a brand as ‘that always well dressed’ person. It is vital to strive for a brand that is associated with positive features. Let’s look at a few basics to consider when attending a corporate event:
  • Take note of any advice on attire noted on the invite.
  •  Aim to be recognized due to how presentable you are and not for how colorful your outfit is.
  • If you wear a suit, ensure that it’s a fine fit. Baggy clothes make one look clumsy and not bright.
  • Dress in line with the location of the event. If it’s in a garden then it’s safe to take it as a smart casual affair. Events held in conference centers are generally formal affairs.
Diamond rings aren't presented in rugged leather casings but in cases that are covered in suave black suede. Have that image in mind next time you think of grabbing the nearest outfit when heading to an event.